Therapy is not a place for "crazy people". The best description of therapy I have heard is that therapy is a mirror to hear and see yourself in a truly honest way. We build healthy and unhealthy strategies to cope and survive life. Life dysfunction takes place when we lean more heavily on the unhealthy thoughts and beahviors to navigate life. This unhealthy approach can involve some of the following:
high-risk promiscuity
The purpose of therapy is to have a neutral party with clinical expertise see and hear how your dysfunctional coping is interfering with the goals you have for well-being. Sometimes the dysfunction will lead to a clinical diagnosis that requires evidence-based treatment or referral to a prescribing physician to assist in your ability to function in daily life. It is far more often that you just need a professional to reveal what you are having difficulty seeing in your own life because of your distorted self-view and coping strategies.
Many people cringe at the idea of talking to a professional stranger to find out something about themself they believe they should already know. The truth is that a profesional has the experience, knowledge, and emotional neutrality to see you in a unique way. You are correct that you are the expert in you. The role of a therapist is to mostly translate and reflect back thoughts and behaviors you are having difficulty seeing honestly because you are likely just trying to endure your thoughts and life circumstances. Clarity and understanding in the therapy process can lead to transformative change, balanced living, and a purposeful life. Find a therapist you feel comfortable with after talkiong on the phone first. If you aren't comfortable just talking on the phone, you won't be comfortable in person. It may be the most transformative call you make this year.