How to reconcile the story we write for our life
with the reality that exists...
Everyone has a story
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"If you don't change your direction, you may end up where you are heading."
-Lao Tzu
Therapy is not a place to "get fixed". It is a place to see and hear yourself honestly. A therapist is there to reflect an image of your true self without all the distortions, unhealthy coping habits, and lies we tell ourself. Good therapy provides clarity and direction for your own action toward fulfillment and well-being.
I have come to view therapy as a journey to reconcile the story that we write for our life with the reality that exists. How do we adapt and persevere to our life circumstance? How do we focus on the things we can control in a world that feels so out of our control?
I have had the privilege of working in K-12, community mental health, university counseling, and private practice. My expertise is rooted in Addiction Theory and Cognitive Behavioral Theory.
DobsonCounseling Inc. Mental Health and Addiction Services
Southside Pastoral Counseling
Marian University Adjunct Instructor Undergrad/Graduate
Marian University Counseling Center
Meridian Services
Phoenix Associates LLC
Lawrence Township School System Intern